We Put the $aving$
Back in Your Bu$ine$$

The savings and refunds come from identifying and fixing common occurrences of metering errors, rate errors, mathematical and clerical errors, misclassifications, missed incentives, unclaimed credits, duplicate charges and market pricing opportunities. The utility bill audit is the start of the cost saving process.

In addition to errors in the utility bill, we often find cost saving opportunities for companies that have high energy expenses due to large amounts of pump and motor usage, expensive lighting costs even natural gas usage.


Step #1: contact us

Step #2: Let us Identify Your refund and/or going forward savings

Step #3: Recieve cash. Fund Your Next project

We understand the unique challenges that Facility Managers face relative to energy efficiency projects.

Utility Power Solutions has helped hundreds of facility managers recoup lost utility bill funds.

Save thousands of dollars!!!

What Our Clients Say About Us

Greg Bush SMA, Regional service leads for Americans SAP GFM Data Center Services

“ We have had a very hard time in keeping the utility company honest when boilers have been off for months. I am genuinely impressed by their knowledge and professionalism. ”

Bob Canter, ACE President & CEO, Emeryville Chambers of Commerce

“ I simply provided a copy of our utility bill and authorized them to take a look, that was it! ”

Peter O'Brien, Senior Business Development Manager, Cool Earth Solar, Inc.

“ They can provide you with a free electric utility bill audit. Over 60% of the time UPS audits a bill they find errors and overcharges. The average savings when they find errors is 22%! ”


Some Of Our Valued Clients